Marx Generator
Part Number: MG24-20C-2700PF-PFN
APELC’s MG24-20C-270PF-PFN Marx generator features a 24-stage, pulse-forming network (PFN) designed to source higher impedance microwave tubes. It includes a “by-pass” copper sulfate water resistor in the design for impedance matching, and to accommodate load impedances from 100 Ω to 200 Ω. This system is unique as its integrated PFN delivers a rectangular pulse to the load.The generator features a second ‘dummy-load’ port to facilitate a wide range of real-load impedances for both matching and waveform verification.
The system comes standard with several diagnostics, including a voltage monitor, a Rogowski monitor, and a B-dot monitor. The system also includes an internal safety dump and an optional side-mounted high voltage trigger unit.
- Maximum open-circuit voltage: 840 kV
- Maximum peak voltage into matched load: 420 kV
- FWHM: 260 ns
- Ripple: ± 10%
- Voltage rise time: 70 ns (10-90%)
- Energy per pulse: 20 J (at 8 kV charge) – 800 J (at 35 kV charge)
- Maximum repetition rate: 30 Hz
- Maximum number of pulses in burst: 10
The following items are included with the MG24-20C-2700PF-PFN:
- PFN-Marx generator
- High voltage charge cable with quick connections
- High voltage trigger cable with quick connections
- Air lines
- Resistive dummy load with Current Viewing Resistor (CVR)
- Resistive by-pass load with CVR
- D-dot probe with BNC port
- Rogowski probe with BNC port
- Pneumatic dump circuit with resistive load
- 1 additional PFN stage
The following items are optional:
- Integrated high voltage trigger unit mounted to side of the Marx generator
- Power and control rack – smart or manual
The following items are required for proper implementation of the MG24-20C-2700PF-PFN:
- Constant-current, high-voltage power supply
- High-voltage trigger unit
- Pressurized breathable dry air source
- In-line charge resistor
Parameter | Description | Value | Unit |
Verect | Erected voltage (min – max) | 120 – 800 | kV |
N | Number of Marx Generator stages | 24 | – |
Vch | Charge voltage (min – max) | 5 – 30 | kV |
ZPFN | Stage PFN impedance (approximate) | 4 | Ohm |
Cbasis | Basis capacitor | 2700 | pF |
Zsource | Impedance of the Marx generator | 100 | Ohm |
Zload | Typical load impedance1 | 100 – 200 | Ohm |
TPW | Approximate pulse width (3 dB points) | 260 | ns |
Trise | Approximate rise time (10 – 90%) | 70 | ns |
Epulse | Energy per pulse at min charge
Energy per pulse at max charge |
580 |
J |
Pmax | Maximum peak power | 1.78 | GW |
TRR | Maximum pulse repetition rate | 30 | Hz |
NPB | Maximum number of pulses per burst | 10 | – |
APELC’s selection of add-on features for high-voltage components are designed to increase safety and usability.
Rugged high-voltage quick disconnect cable connectors for voltages up to 700 kV.
Integrated high-speed current diagnostics in high-voltage quick disconnects.
Software to increase user safety and reduce time spent in testing.
Termination and monitoring capability for a high-voltage, high-power pulse without radiating equipment.
Providing the trigger pulse to a Marx Generator through a pulse forming circuit.
Fully integrated power and control units to deliver a turnkey package for our pulsed power systems.
For more information or to discuss a custom or turnkey system, complete the form below and we will contact you within 24 hours.